Join us in the Ímpar universe_

Join us in the Ímpar universe_

Screen examples of digital workplace, yammer analytics and power communicator in the tablet version.

We started the activities in 2011 as a technology company focused on Microsoft SharePoint solutions. Since then, we have been constantly evolving. Today we are one of the main Microsoft partners for solutions in Microsoft 365 and Azure.

On this path, as well as technologies and the world, we have transformed a lot.

Currently, we are a company with multiple specialties, but a single focus:

improve the employee experience through digital and cultural transformation to generate results in our clients’ businesses.
Man looking at the notebook screen with a purple and orange graded circle behind him.


annual growth
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+ 20

service and product offers
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+ 1mi

of people impacted by our solutions
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+ 10

customers among the Forbes 150
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customers among the 150 most innovative companies in the country
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most contracting companies in the country are our customers
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barra colorida roxo e laranja.
barra colorida roxo e laranja.
barra colorida roxo e laranja.
barra colorida roxo e laranja.
Ímpar collaborators joining hands.

What moves us?_

The desire to make possible the constant evolution of our customers through digital transformation and innovation in processes and relationships.
And we continue without losing our way because we focus on:
Icon with a handshake

Partnership in all relationships

To be collaborative in each connection, stage, and moment.
Icon with a graph going up.

Exceed expectations

We have the attitude to bring out whatever it takes to deliver the result we want.
Icon with an award medal.

as a priority

We delve deeper into the concept of excellence in each delivery and relationship.
Icon with a gear

Change to

We maintain our essence of transformation. Ever.
Icon with a magnifying glass

Ethics with transparency

We follow our principles and what was agreed.
Icon with group of three people

People are everything to us

Putting people first, experience is what matters.

To be Ímpar, we need to be many_

A true digital transformation is multidisciplinary_

Ímpar is multi-skilled: we are developers (with several specialties), journalists, designers, data scientists, systems architects, advertisers, illustrators, project coordinators, public relations, screenwriters, change managers, salespeople, UX/UI specialists, administrators… And every day we have a new skill arriving to add.

We believe that multidisciplinarity and diversity generate a richer environment: constant development and increasingly complete results.

great place to work certified
glassdoor logo

Our connections_

To offer the best, we need to be with the best.
Since the beginning we have been Microsoft partners accumulating more than 6 certifications. With Liferay we offer DXP solutions and became associated with ABERJE to be inside and share best practices and trends in Corporate Communication and employee experience.
Conexões, ferramentas e certificados utilizados pela impar microsoft modern work e aberje
Retângulo degrade roxo e laranja