Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to Ímpar

Please, read this  Personal Data Protection and Privacy Policy carefully to understand our policies and practices regarding your personal data and how this data is processed.
This policy applies to individuals (natural persons) who interact with Ímpar services as consumers, representatives of our partners and other holders of personal data (“You”). This policy explains how your personal data is collected, used and disclosed by Ímpar (referred to in this policy as “Ímpar”, “Us”). It also tells you how access and update your personal data and make certain decisions about how your personal data is used.
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Círculos com os ícones de segurança, cookies e localização.

Atualmente só coletados os dados de IP e Cookies – confira abaixo mais detalhes sobre isso.

Não compartilhamos informações de identificação pessoal publicamente ou com terceiros, exceto quando exigido por lei.

O nosso site pode ter links para sites externos que não são operados por nós. Não temos controle sobre o conteúdo e práticas desses sites e nem responsabilidade por suas respectivas políticas de privacidade.

Data processing

In accordance with current legislation, Ímpar uses your personal data for as long as necessary to satisfy the purposes for which your personal data were collected, as described in this policy, or to comply with applicable legal requirements. Personal data used to provide you with a personalized experience will be kept exclusively for the time allowed, in accordance with current legislation. You can obtain more details about the retention of your personal data through the communication channels detailed in this policy. When at the end of the processing of your personal data, these will be eliminated in the scope and within the technical limits of the activities, authorized the conservation in the situations foreseen in the current legislation.
Employee typing on notebook

What are the data types?

eye icon symbolizing Privacy Policy

Personal data

In the General Personal Data Protection Law it is defined as “information related to an identified or identifiable person”. That is, when it allows the identification, direct or indirect, of a person (holder), such as: name, last name, date of birth, personal documents, residential or work address, telephone, email and IP address.
icon of a person raising their arms and a plus and minus sign above their head symbolizing sensitive personal data

Sensitive personal data

Refers to racial or ethnic origin, religious conviction, political opinion, union affiliation or organization of a religious, philosophical or political nature, related to health or sexual life, genetic or biometric data relating to the natural person.
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The owner of the data is called holder, whether former, current or potential customer, employee, contractor, business partner and third party.
The General Personal Data Protection Law also mentions anonymized data, which is data that originally related to a person, but which lost the possibility of association, directly or indirectly, with an individual, considering the reasonable and available technical means. at the time of treatment. In that case, the GPDPL will not apply to him.

How is data collected?

Personal data provided
by the holder

When they are inserted or actively forwarded by the holder when contacting or accessing Ímpar’s channels. Regardless of which data the holder provides, we will only use those that are effectively relevant and necessary for the fulfillment of all the purposes declared to him, on a case-by-case basis.
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Data collected

Such as characteristics of the access device, browser, IP (with date and time), IP origin, information on clicks, pages accessed, search terms entered on our portals, among others. For such collection, we use some standard technologies, such as cookies, pixel tags, beacons and local shared objects, which are intended to improve the user’s browsing experience in the services, according to their habits and preferences

What are my rights as a holder?

You have the right to confirm the existence, access, review, modify and/or request an electronic copy of the information of your personal data that is processed by Ímpar. You also have the right to request details about the origin of your personal data or the sharing of this data with third parties. At any time, you may also limit the use and disclosure, or revoke consent to any of our activities for processing your personal data, except in situations provided for in current legislation. These rights can be exercised through the communication channels detailed in this policy, being necessary to validate your identity by providing a copy of your Social Security Number or equivalent means of identification, in accordance with current legislation. Whenever a request is submitted without providing the necessary evidence to prove the legitimacy of the data subject, the request will be automatically rejected. We emphasize that any identifying information provided to Ímpar will only be processed in accordance with and to the extent permitted by applicable laws. We point out that in certain cases, we cannot delete your personal data without also deleting your user account. Additionally, some situations require the retention of your personal data after you request its deletion, in order to satisfy legal or contractual obligations. Ímpar does its best to answer any questions you may have about the way in which we process your personal data. However, if you have unresolved concerns, you have the right to complain to the relevant data protection authorities.
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odd contributor smiling and typing on cell phone and around her cogs on privacy policy page

About cookies

Cookies são pequenos arquivos de texto que podem ser colocados no seu computador ou dispositivo portátil por sites ou serviços na web que você utiliza. São utilizados para garantir o bom funcionamento de sites e demais serviços online, assim como para fornecer informações aos proprietários do site ou serviço online. Cookies são utilizados para melhorar o uso e a funcionalidade dos sites e demais serviços na web compatíveis da Ímpar e entender melhor como nossos visitantes utilizam os nossos sites e serviços online, bem como as ferramentas e serviços por eles oferecidos. Os cookies nos facilitam o processo de adaptar os sites da Ímpar às suas necessidades pessoais, facilitando sempre que possível o seu uso, receber feedback da satisfação dos nossos consumidores.

Cookie management

It is important to remember that you are responsible for ensuring that the settings on your computer or handheld device reflect whether or not you consent to accepting cookies. Most browsers allow you to set rules to warn you before accepting cookies or simply refuse them. You do not need to have cookies enabled to use or browse most of Ímpar’s websites and online services, however in this case we cannot guarantee that you will be able to access all of its features. We recommend that you see the “help” button in your browser on how to carry out this type of configuration. Remember that if you use different browsers, or even different computers and/or handheld devices in different locations, you will need to ensure that each device and browser is set to your personal cookie preferences.
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Ímpar will use the information obtained through cookies to analyze the pages browsed by the user, the searches carried out, improve commercial and promotional initiatives, show advertising or promotions, banners of interest, news about our company and improve the offer of materials and products.

We use cookies to improve your browsing and personalize your experience on our website. By continuing browsing or clicking the ‘OK’ button we consider that you accept our privacy policy.

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